It is always so much fun to play the Beatles solo material, wow, what a blast. I sang backup, played keyboards, autoharp, percussion, guitar, etc. — I especially love doing “Band on the Run” and “Jet” because of all the fun Moog synthesizer parts I get to do (including the synth solos). It’s very late at night now, and I have to get up early again tomorrow morning to play harp at Finn MacCool’s, so this will be short, but here is one photo from soundcheck, I love this one — more photos to come during the week, when I have more of a moment to breathe! (and yes, it’s 1:30 AM, so I’m pre-dating this, so it shows up as having posted on the 28th!)
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Rock harpist & singer Erin Hill perfoming her "Adventures in Harp Town" show at Joe's Pub in NYC in July 2019.
Singing harpist Erin Hill shoots a music video for her Leonard Cohen cover "Hallelujah," from her album "Harp Town." MacLeod the Westie costars!