I’ll be singing & playing the harp at Lincoln Center for the launch of Broadway’s Future Songbook series on Sept. 28th. I’ll be performing alongside Marni Nixon, Robert Cuccioli, Scarlett Strallen and Eddie Korbich as we sing the music of award-winning composer-lyricist Robert Lindsey-Nassif. I’m lead vocalist and harpist for “Music in this Mountain,” which is from the musical “Hony-tonk Highway.” The concert is free and begins at 6 PM on Monday, September 28th, 2015 at the Bruno Walter Auditorium, Lincoln Center, 111 Amsterdam Avenue and 65th Street, NYC. You can read more info in the Playbill article on the concert.
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E-mail Erin at erinhillharp[at]gmail.com.-
Rock harpist & singer Erin Hill perfoming her "Adventures in Harp Town" show at Joe's Pub in NYC in July 2019.
Singing harpist Erin Hill shoots a music video for her Leonard Cohen cover "Hallelujah," from her album "Harp Town." MacLeod the Westie costars!