MacLeod the Westie, on “Girl Inventor”

Many of you may have noticed the dashing west highland terrier in the photo with me on my banner… Well, that is MacLeod! He appears on the cover of my Girl Inventor album (in animated form), and was my partner in crime for the entire album photo shoot. The wonderful photographer Robert A. Ripps did the photo shoot for Girl Inventor, and he also did my earlier album, Frost as Desired. MacLeod had not been born yet when we did Frost as Desired, or he would have been there as well!
The illustration on the cover of my Girl Inventor album was done by SUP!, a fantastic Malaysian illustrator who based his illustration on Bob Ripps’ brilliant photo of MacLeod in action (Bob’s actual photo appears on the inside cover of the album). So MacLeod isn’t just working the controls of the echoplex/time machine in the illustration — he was actually doing it in real life, too!
Here’s a photo of Cloudy Boy just coming back in from the snow…

MacLeod the Westie, in from the snow!

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